Das gemeinsame öffentliche Zeigen von diversen Formen, aus den Bildern schon fast vergessener Maler, durch junge Leute von Heute, die auch gerne malen, aber eben nicht nur. // A painting, consisting of various forms, carried by various people.
// A painting, consisting of various forms,
Warum nicht Formen aus Bildern fast vergessener Maler in tragbare Transparente verwandeln? Formen, die ansonsten auch weiterhin in Bücherregalen vor sich hinschlummern würden? Warum nicht Farbflächen aus den Kompositionszusammenhängen ihrer Bilder reissen und damit den Blick auf die Stadt verändern? Der Umzug, die Demonstration, ist als Medium schon per se politisch konnotiert. Wie nirgendwo sonst erwarten sich davon Passanten, Leute und Betrachter „Sinn“, „Botschaften“, So schieben sich plötzlich abstrakte Elemente aus konstruktivistischen Bildern zwischen Logos und Werbung und zersetzen, wenn auch nur für kurze Zeit, deren Bedeutungs- THE MEDIUM IS THE MASSAGE . Wir vereinbarten einen Termin für einen Rundgang, legten eine Route fest, jeder trug seine ausgewählte Form, um die Blickachsen auf die Stadt zu brechen und vergessene For- // The forgotten forms_empty form_empty action_the surreal public constructivist happening During my researchs in the library of the University for Applied Arts in Vienna, I coincidally ran into some books, monographies and catalogues, depicting works of constructivist painters(1). These artists had been studying during the 20ies and 30ies at the University for Applied Arts. Back then the students where influenced by the strong international movement of the so-called „constructivism“. They mixed up a very abstract hard-edge style of painting with a social-revolutionary political attitude. Their aim was the improvement of social life through aesthetic interventions in private life like designing furniture and interiours of architecutral livings-spaces as well as interventions in the public („Kunst am Bau“) . Another aspect wich interested me was the questioning of the medium of the „political demonstration“ in its form as an aesthetic display. The primary intention of using this medium is to transport a message, a „true and unambiguous“ statement to the public. But often, when I accidentally ran into demonstrations or while visiting these manifestations on purpose as a supporter of the claimed collective wishes and desires, I was confused. Taking part in the austrian student-protests in 2009, I was disappointed. Though polyphony and and a variety of differing opinions and attitudes is without any doubt a quality and indicator for a democracy, the protests seemed to me merely like a dadaistic decontruction of any senseful message, polyphony turned into cacophony. The whole movement during the demonstration seemed to me more like „late-capitalistic bunch of somehow frustrated youths, an accumulation of multidirected and blurred sings of fashionable desires. So what, If you organize a demonstation, create banners cleared from any meaning, from any sense? How will people confronted on the streets react? Is it possible to analyze this medium in it’s function as an aestheic and formal display of information? Even this question drived me to realize this project. (1) Erika Giovanna Klien Lajos Kassak Karl Steiner
Martha Masternak, Christian Schlechter, Theresa Novotny, Markus Proschek, Rudi Cotroneo, Lukas Janitsch, Angela Strohberger, Doris Strohberger, Daniel Nicely Reis, Matthias Klien, Ines Hochgerner, Thiemo Striebel, Emre Tamer, |